Chemical Vapor Deposition

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Chemical Vapor Deposition

Editeur:: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 0948-1907 / 1521-3862


Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) publishes Reviews Short Communications and Full Papers on all aspects of chemical vapor deposition and related technologies along with other articles presenting opinion news conference information and book reviews. All papers are peer-reviewed in the usual Advanced Materials quality. Chemists physicists and engineers whose publications on chemical vapor deposition have in the past been spread over journals covering inorganic chemistry materials chemistry organometallics applied physics and semiconductor technology thin films and ceramic processing now have a unified forum for their work. Kurztext Dnne Schichten die durch chemische Abscheidung aus der Gasphase (CVD) hergestellt werden sind aus der heutigen Technik nicht mehr wegzudenken. Fr alle die sich mit diesem jungen interdisziplinren Gebiet befassen gibt es jetzt die Zeitschrift Chemical Vapor Deposition . Publiziert werden anspruchsvolle Full Papers Review Articles und Communications. Readers Materials scientists chemists physicistsChemical Vapor Deposition website (full text articles available online)

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