

Editeur:: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 1860-7179 / 1860-7187


ChemMedChem is intended to become a premier European journal at the interface of chemistry, biology and medicine. ChemMedChem will be made in Europe, but will publish primary as well as critical secondary and tertiary information from authors across and for the world. Its mission is to integrate the wide and flourishing field of medicinal and pharmaceutical sciences, ranging from drug design and discovery to drug development and delivery, from molecular modeling to combinatorial chemistry, from target validation to lead generation and ADMET studiesto name just a few topics. ChemMedChem replaces Il FarmacoAn International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, which will be published by the Societ Chimica Italiana until the end of 2005 and generously given up in order to limit the crowding of journals in these sciences.

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