Computers & Education

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Computers & Education

Editeur:: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0360-1315


Computing and communication technology continue to make an ever-increasing impact on all aspects of cognition, education and training, from primary to tertiary and in the growing open and distance learning environment. The journal is an established technically-based, interdisciplinary forum for communication in the use of all forms of computing in this socially and technologically significant area of application and will continue to publish definitive contributions to serve as a reference standard against which the current state-of-the-art can be assessed. The Editors welcome any papers on cognition, educational or training systems development using techniques from and applications in any technical knowledge domain: social issues and gender issues; curricula considerations, graphics, simulations, computer-aided design, computer integrated manufacture, artificial intelligence and its applications including intelligent tutoring systems and computer assisted language learning; hypertext and hypermedia; user interfaces to learning systems; management of technological change on campus and in local education; uses of advanced technology information systems, networks, terrestrial and satellite transmissions and distributed processing; and virtual reality in an educational context; state-of-the-art summaries and review articles.

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