IET Power Electronics

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IET Power Electronics

Editeur:: The Institution of Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 1755-4535 / 1755-4543


IET Power Electronics brings together five principal power electronics themes. The submission of high quality research that focuses on one or more of these themes is strongly encouraged; Applications of power semiconductor technology for the control and conversion of electric power in: electric machine drives; all forms of transport; manufacturing; heating; lighting; building services and industrial scale power conditioning. Circuits commonly used including: all types of converters; inverters; active filters; switched mode power and uninterruptible power supplies. Devices used in power electronic applications including: power semiconductor devices; photovoltaic devices; passive components; wound components; batteries and fuses. Techniques for controlling, analysing, modelling and/or simulation of power electronics circuits and complete power electronic systems. Performance management of power electronic systems including: power factor correction and harmonic spectrum management; thermal management; EMC and noise mitigation; fusing and protection.

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