

Editeur:: Springer
ISSN: 0018-8158 / 1573-5117


Hydrobiologia publishes original articles in the fields of fundamental limnology and marine biology. A wide range of papers is published including ecology physiology biogeography methodology and taxonomy. Applied (technological) papers are also published provided they are of general interest and not solely technical in nature. Occasionally very long papers reviews and special issues are published at the invitation of the Editors as are the proceedings of relevant specialized symposia e. g. Seaweed Symposia; Saline Lakes Symposia; Sediment/Water Interactions Symposia; Rotifer Symposia; Aquatic Oligochaete Biology Symposia; Turbellaria Symposia; Symposia on Copepoda and Cladocera; Tropical Limnology/high-latitude Limnology Symposia; and recently North Sea-Estuaries Interactions; Phosphorus in Freshwater Ecosystems and Expected Effects of Climatic Change on Marine Coastal Ecosystems.

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