Health & Place
Editeur:: | Elsevier Science |
ISSN: | 1353-8292 |
The journal is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the study of all aspects of health and health care in which place or location matters. Recent years have seen closer links evolving between medical geography, medical sociology, health policy, public health and epidemiology. The journal reflects these convergences, which emphasise differences in health and health care between places, the experience of health and care in specific places, the development of health care for places, and the methodologies and theories underpinning the study of these issues. The journal brings together international contributors from geography, sociology, social policy and public health. It offers readers comparative perspectives on the difference that place makes to the incidence of ill-health, the structuring of health-related behaviour, the provision and use of health services, and the development of health policy. At a time when health matters are the subject of ever-increasing attention, Health & Place provides accessible and readable papers summarizing developments and reporting the latest research findings. Health Abstracts Online Health Abstracts Online is a new online service for Health & Place. This new online service provides full details of the aims and scope, table of content, free abstracts, author lists and keywords of all articles published in Health & Place and Social Science & Medicine from 1995 onwards. Search each individual journal, or across the whole programme, for a particular topic and access the abstracts provided absolutely free of charge. This new online service has replaced Abstracts Online Social Science & Medicine and because it now includes Health & Place the service is even more valuable to your research needs. Access is quick and easy for any user. Whether you are a new user or an existing user simply go to the new website at www. healthabstractsonline. com and you will automatically enter the new site where you can browse the information provided. When you wish to access the free journal abstracts you will be asked to login by providing your name and e-mail address. You will only need to login once, subsequent visits and access to the abstracts will be automatic. Health Abstracts Online will be regularly updated so visit the website and create a bookmark now - make Health Abstracts Online a regular stop for your research needs. www. healthabstractsonline.
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