Agricultural Systems

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  • Agricultural Systems

Agricultural Systems

Editeur:: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0308-521X


Agricultural Systems is an international journal that presents the results of studies concerning the whole or parts of the food chain from production to consumption. It seeks to provide a forum in which a wide range of specialists can contribute to the debate about the efficient use of resources to feed the world. In particular, its aim is to encourage integration of understanding among those disciplines that underpin agriculture. The journal anticipates contributions from agronomists, biologists, veterinarians, economists, engineers, social scientists, anthropologists, computer scientists and those concerned with technology transfer. Much of the work presented will be of a quantitative or holistic nature where contributors will attempt to express understanding of the sub-systems of agriculture in model form : from biological, physical and chemical components through production systems to marketing and the distribution of agricultural output. Opportunity to present other forms of work is encouraged, for example, methodological approaches to systems analysis in agriculture, including the development and application of simulation, optimisation and expert systems. Concepts that might include specific experimentation or results from surveys, reviews or reports on experiments designed to validate models are accepted only by invitation. The journal will publish reports on technology transfer in tropical and temperate agriculture, particularly on social systems that influence decision-making in farm households. Farming Systems Research is an important mechanism in technology development and transfer and papers will be accepted in this area. Where it is necessary to understand rural development by integrating agricultural systems with fish farming and agro-forestry for timber or fuel, these elements will be relevant to the journal.

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