

Editeur:: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 1526-954X / 1526-968X


We have crossed the threshold into a new age of research in developmental biology. As the international genome project enters its climatic phase, new research generates an unprecedented amount of information on the sequence and identification of genes and their structure. We soon anticipate the existence of a book of life: a comprehensive catalogue of all known genes together with their nucleotide sequence. This new dawn calls for a pioneering new journal offering new approaches and perspectives for understanding the function of genes and the roles they play in complex biological processes, both individually and in combination at the molecular, cellular, organismal and population level. On January 1, 2000, we became the editors of the journal Developmental Genetics, published by Wiley (New York). The focus of the journal is on the genetics of development and fundamental embryological research resulting from studies in animals and plants. We publish pioneering articles offering new perspectives on all model genetic systems to understand the function of genes, alone and in combination, acknowledging the multigenic character of complex biological processes. Contributions using non-traditional animal and plant systems are encouraged to emphasize the journals interest in comparative studies. Special attention is also given to technology-oriented reports. We invite you to contribute to genesis. We welcome submissions in the form of letters, articles, correspondence, and technology updates, which advance knowledge across a range of dynamic areas on the cutting edge of developmental biology, including mutagenesis; embryogenesis; histeogenesis; morphogenesis; organogenesis.

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