Frontiers in Neurology

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Frontiers in Neurology

Editeur:: Frontiers
ISSN: 1664-2295


These are exciting times in the clinical neurosciences. New practice models, implemented or currently piloted in a few centers, are transforming rapidly and each change will require new adaptation. Meaningful advances in research and clinical care have been made in neurology and related disciplines. The field is vast, complex, increasingly interdisciplinary, rapidly expanding, and intellectually challenging. Versatility and permanent dialogue between neuroscientists and clinicians encircle all fields of subspecialization and are vital to the practice of quality neurology and the demands for rapid translational information from the basic neurosciences to treatment. In this era of frequently competing demands, no health professional can become too complacent or too relaxed, as it will not take long to fall behind. An appreciation of these facts spark the idea of this project, in order to provide state of the art, readable and innovative updates to the physician scientist across the globe, on whats next in neurology. Frontiers in Neurology publishes articles on the most outstanding discoveries across the entire research spectrum of Neurology. The mission of Frontiers in Neurology is to bring all relevant Specialties in Neurology together on a single platform.

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