Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology

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Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology

Editeur:: Expert Reviews
ISSN: 1751-2433 / 1751-2441


Advances in drug development technologies are yielding innovative new therapies, from potentially lifesaving medicines to lifestyle products. In recent years, however, the cost of developing new drugs has soared, and concerns over drug resistance and pharmacoeconomics have come to the fore. Adverse reactions experienced at the clinical trial level serve as a constant reminder of the importance of rigorous safety and toxicity testing. Furthermore the advent of pharmacogenomics and individualized approaches to therapy will demand a fresh approach to drug evaluation and healthcare delivery. Clinical pharmacology provides an essential role in integrating the expertise of all of the specialists and players who are active in meeting such challenges in modern biomedical practice. Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology provides a forum for informed debate and critical analysis of all aspects of safety, tolerability, efficacy and therapeutic applications, in addition to covering toxicity issues, adverse reactions, pharmacoeconomics and societal issues.

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