Environmental Science and Pollution Research

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  • Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Editeur:: Springer-Verlag
ISSN: 0944-1344 / 1614-7499


Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR) serves the international community in all areas of Environmental Science and related subjects with emphasis on chemical compounds. It reports from a broad interdisciplinary outlook. Apart from the strictly scientific contributions as research articles (short and full papers) and reviews, ESPR publishes: news & views from research and technology, legislation and regulation, hardware and software, education, literature, institutions, organizations, conferences. Editorial Policy For maximum benefit to the environmental community, the journal has the following features: - ESPR was conceived as a truly international scientific journal. - ESPR represents the international perspective, with emphasis on the natural sciences but also includes the impacts of legislation, regulation, and the economy on pollution control; and - ESPR articles are generally chemically oriented but cover all the broad areas within environmental science. These characteristics allow ESPR to serve a large and diverse audience: - Action groups - Consultants - Educated laymen - Engineers - Environmental scientists - Lawyers - Physicians - Public and industrial health personnel - Regulators. Information from ESPR should also be useful for planning lectures and university environmental curricula. A global network of editorial board members represents a variety of disciplines and groups of interest: university, industry, administrative bodies, government, consulting companies, public interest groups. The Editorial Board safeguards the international and interdisciplinary character of the journal and ensures appropriate refereeing procedures (peer review). Types of Contributions - Research Articles (papers with conclusions of general interest representing substantial advances) - Short Original Communications (short papers on exceptional advances and outstanding new findings) - Reviews (critical surveys of recent developments) - Commentary Articles (research issues that are of interest to readers outside research) - News & Views (recently published advances in research and technology, policy and legislation, education, new institutions, hard and software, literature, conferences) - Research Communications (a two-page article describing an innovative idea, a ground-breaking result, or a novel methodology in environmental science and pollution research) - Editorials - Leading Articles - Letters to the Editor (for the discussion of scientific matters of current interest) - Conference Reports - Book Reviews. European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences Division of Chemistry and the Environment (DCE) - EuCheMS DCE and ESPR: ESPR is the official organ of the EuCheMS Division of Chemistry and the Environment (EuCheMS DCE). The overall aim of the EuCheMS DCE is to promote and support the co-operation about chemistry and the environment issues between the European chemical societies and their members. Activities of how to achieve this aim, are: - to represent EuCheMS in matters concerning chemistry and the environment; - to contribute to the advancement of environmental chemistry and chemistry and the environment in the countries of the national member societies of EuCheMS; - to promote and support the co-operation about chemistry and the environment issues between the national chemical societies in Europe and their members; - to identify important areas in science, technology and other human activities relevant to chemistry and the environment, and to stimulate actions in such fields; - to address aspects of importance in or to chemistry and the environment, which need regulation, harmonisation, standardisation or codification, and to make recommendations as appropriate; - to promote and support the sound application of chemistry for assessing and solving environmental issues. EuCheMS DCE convenes the biannual International EuCheMS Conferences on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE-20

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