Early Education and Development

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Early Education and Development

Editeur:: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 1040-9289 / 1556-6935


Early Education and Development (EE&D) is a professional journal for those involved in educational and preschool services and research related to children and their families: early education supervisors, school psychologists, daycare administrators, child development specialists, developmental and child clinical psychologists, and special education administrators. It is designed to emphasize the implications for practice of research and solid scientific information. The age range focused upon is preschool through the primary grades. EE&D is a connecting link between the research community in early education and child development and school district early education programs, daycare systems, and special needs preschool programs. It is a publication established as a continuing forum for research and general policy articles in the rapidly growing area of early education services for the preschool child. The scope of Early Education and Development includes: children with disabilities, preschool and childcare programs, research on remedial programs, instructional and developmental techniques, school district and community policies, kindergarten screening, assessment devices and approaches, parental role and competencies, staff competencies, social and physical environment, school readiness, and early education and intervention.

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