Drug Testing and Analysis

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Drug Testing and Analysis

Editeur:: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 1942-7603 / 1942-7611


As the incidence of drugs escalates in 21st century living, their detection and analysis have become increasingly important. Sport, the workplace, crime investigation, homeland security, the pharmaceutical industry and the environment are just some of the high profile arenas in which analytical testing has provided an important investigative tool for uncovering the presence of extraneous substances. Launching in January 2009, Drug Testing and Analysis will provide an important resource exploring the analytical techniques used to determine controlled and potentially controversial compounds. In addition to the usual publishing fare of primary research articles, case reports and letters, Drug Testing and Analysis offers a unique combination of; How to material such as Tutorials and Reviews, Speculative pieces (Commentaries and Perspectives, providing a broader scientific and social context to the aspects of analytical testing), Annual banned substance reviews (delivering a critical evaluation of the methods used in the characterization of established and newly outlawed compounds) and a bibliographical listing that pulls together all of the current literature in the field on a bimonthly basis. Rather than focus on the application of a single technique, Drug Testing and Analysis employs a unique multidisciplinary approach to the field of controversial compound determination. Papers discussing chromatography, mass spectrometry, immunological approaches, 1D/2D gel electrophoresis, to name just a few select methods, are welcomed.

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