Development and Change

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Development and Change

Editeur:: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 0012-155X / 1467-7660


Development and Change has established itself as one of the most important journals in the field of development studies and social change. Truly interdisciplinary it is devoted to the critical analysis and discussion of the complete spectrum of current development issues. It occupies a unique position in the field covering a broad range of topics and publishing articles from all the social sciences and all intellectual persuasions concerned with development. Considered innovative and adventurous for its choice of unconventional papers Development and Change has often taken the lead in opening up new areas of debate. Essential Reading Development and Change is essential reading for anyone interested in development studies and social change. It publishes articles from a wide range of authors both well-established specialists and young scholars and is an important resource for: social science faculties and research institutions international development agencies and NGOs graduate teachers and researchers all those with a serious interest in the dynamics of development from reflective activists to analytical practitioners Please click here to link to the Institute of Social Studies homepage.

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