Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care

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Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care

Editeur:: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
ISSN: 1363-1950


This reader-friendly resource provides a powerful, broad-based perspective on the most important advances from throughout the world literature. Featuring renowned guest editors and focusing exclusively on one to three topics, every issue of Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care delivers unvarnished, expert assessments of developments from the previous year. Insightful editorials, on-the-mark invited reviews, and special commentaries cover key subjects such as protein metabolism and therapy; nutrition in the intensive care unit; anabolic and catabolic signals; assessment of nutritional status and analytical methods; and nutraceutics--some 13 items of major relevance. All reviews are supplemented with an indispensable section, References and Recommended Reading. At the back of each volume is Current World Literature, an exceptionally thorough bibliography culled from the top 100 journals in the field. Topics Covered: Protein metabolism; Nutrition in ageing; Nutrition in the ICU; Lipid metabolism and therapy; Anabolic and catabolic signals; Technical aspects of nutritional support; Genes and nutrition; Carbohydrates; Nutrition and the gastrointestinal tract; Assessment of nutritional status and analytical methods; Nutraceutics and micronutrients; Nutrition and physiological function.

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