Communications in Mathematical Physics

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Communications in Mathematical Physics

Editeur:: Springer
ISSN: 0010-3616 / 1432-0916


Subjects: Quantum physics and differential geometry; Flow equations, nonlinear PDE of mathematical physics; String theory, nonperturbative field theory and related topics; Field theory, mechanics and condensed matter; nonequilibrium and dynamical systems; General relativity, mathematical aspects of M/string theory, applications of differential geometry to physics; Field theory, constructive methods; statistical mechanics; Algebraic quantum field theory and related issues of operator algebras; Turbulence, disordered systems, and rigorous studies of field theory; Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics; Algebraic geometry in physics, mathematical aspects of string theory; Quantum information theory; Quantum chaos; Schrdinger operators and atomic physics; Statistical physics; Classical and quantum integrable systems, conformal field theory and related topics; Quantum dynamics and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics.

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