Clinical Transplantation

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  • Clinical Transplantation

Clinical Transplantation

Editeur:: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 0902-0063 / 1399-0012


Clinical Transplantation is primarily designed as a channel of communication for all those involved in the care of people who require or have had organ or tissue transplants including: kidney intestine liver pancreas heart heart valves lung bone marrow cornea skin bone and cartilage viable or stored. Interest is focused not only on the complete spectrum of present transplant operations but also those that are experimental or may become possible in future. Original articles are welcomed on all clinical and surgical aspects including: indications for and techniques of surgery; immunology and immunosuppression; patient preparation social ethical and psychological issues; complications short- and long-term results; artificial organs and the preservation and storage of organ and tissue. Full length papers and short communications are invited. Occasional clinical reviews are published as well as seminal papers in basic science which might lead to immediate clinical application. Prominence is regularly given to the results of cooperative surveys conducted by the organ and tissue transplant registries. The journal is essential reading for surgeons of all major and subspecialities clinical immunologists; cryobiologists; hematologists; gastroenterologists; pulmonologists; nephrologists; cardiologists; and endocrinologists. It will also be of interest to sociologists psychologists and research workers; in fact to all whose combined efforts will improve the prognosis of future transplant recipients.

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