Clinical Psychology Review

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  • Clinical Psychology Review

Clinical Psychology Review

Editeur:: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0272-7358


Clinical Psychology Review publishes substantive reviews of topics germane to clinical psychology. Its purpose is to help clinical psychologists keep up-to-date on relevant issues outside of their immediate areas of expertise by publishing scholarly but readable reviews. Papers cover diverse issues including: psychopathology, psychotherapy, behavior therapy, behavioral medicine, community mental health, assessment, and child development. Reviews on other topics, such as psychophysiology, learning therapy, and social psychology, often appear if they have a clear relationship to research or practice in clinical psychology. Integrative literature reviews and summary reports of innovative ongoing clinical research programs are also sometimes published. Reports on individual research studies are not appropriate. The Second International Conference on Child & Adolescent Mental Health takes place in Kuala Lumpur, 6-10 June 2000. Topics include: Assessment, diagnosis, education and treatment of children and adolescents, Child and adolescent psychopathology/social and emotional development, Cross cultural differences, Mental health issues, Model service delivery programs, Educational practices. For full details see http://www. elsevier.

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