Administrative Theory & Praxis

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Administrative Theory & Praxis

Editeur:: Public Administration Theory Network
ISSN: 1084-1806 / 1949-0461


Administrative Theory & Praxis is a leading quarterly journal of critical, normative, and theoretical dialogue in public administration. As the journal of the Public Administration Theory Network, its purpose is to advance knowledge and stimulate new thought in public administration. ATP seeks innovative, rigorous scholarship that critically examines emerging and enduring topics in public administration theory; explores the intersection of public administration and broader social, economic, cultural, political, and historical issues; introduces to the field new theories, frameworks, and literatures that illuminate matters of public administration; develops challenging, thought-provoking normative, ethical, and philosophical arguments about the field; or otherwise seeks to explore and possibly transcend the limits of existing public administration theory and practice. ATP is open to a wide-range of research methodologies and approaches that evidence these sensibilities. We encourage communication with the editors about possible manuscripts, symposia, book reviews, or dialogue and commentary.

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