Cellular Microbiology

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Cellular Microbiology

Editeur:: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 1462-5814 / 1462-5822


Cellular Microbiology publishes the best original scientific contribution of the intersection of microbial on host-cell biology. The focus is the host cell responses elicited by the interaction of micro-organisms. Equal emphasis is placed on responses to prokaryotic, viral and eukaryotic micro-organisms. In addition to mammalion systems, papers addressing other hosts such as plants and insects are strongly encourage. Exploitation of host cell structure; Modification of cell signalling pathways; Molecular responses of the host cell; Responses of tissues and whole organs; Systemic effects elicited by micro-organisms; Induction of immune response; Modulation and exploitation of immune response; Remodelling of tissues; Co-pathogen interactions.

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