British Journal of Clinical Psychology

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  • British Journal of Clinical Psychology

British Journal of Clinical Psychology

Editeur:: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 0144-6657 / 2044-8260


The British Journal of Clinical Psychology publishes original contributions to scientific knowledge in clinical psychology. This includes descriptive comparisons, as well as studies of the assessment, aetiology and treatment of people with a wide range of psychological problems in all age groups and settings. The level of analysis of studies ranges from biological influences on individual behaviour, e. g. neuropsychology, age associated CNS changes and pharmacological (in the latter case an explicit psychological analysis is also required), through studies of psychological interventions and treatments on individuals, dyads, families and groups, to investigations of the relationships between explicitly social and psychological levels of analysis. The general focus of studies is on abnormal behaviours such as that described and classified by current diagnostic systems (ICD-10, DSM-IV) but it is not bound by the exclusive use of such diagnostic systems. The Journal is catholic with respect to the range of theories and methods used to answer substantive scientific problems. Studies of samples with no current psychological disorder will only be considered if they have a direct bearing on clinical theory or practice.

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