Trends in Parasitology

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Trends in Parasitology

Editeur:: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 1471-4922


The urgency of the need to control devastating disease motivates current research in parasitology within a diversity of disciplines from molecular biology to ecology. Trends in Parasitology aims to provide a point of access for communication between workers in all disciplines, both in the field and laboratory. Trends in Parasitology has become a highly regarded review journal of international importance. This reflects the truly global significance of medical and veterinary parasites, and as a result the journal has more than 30,000 readers in 128 countries. To maintain its cosmopolitan coverage, Trends in Parasitology not only commissions articles of interest to the specialist but ensures they are written in a form accessible to readers in other fields. Its format and broad scope have made it an essential journal for parasitologists worldwide.

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