Thrombosis Research

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Thrombosis Research

Editeur:: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0049-3848


Published twice monthly, the journal serves as a world forum for the rapid dissemination of original research on thrombosis, hemostasis and fibrinolysis. The Editors welcome scientific contributions which give new directions to research in these areas. The journals policy is to encourage the publication of research, including clinical investigations, which will lead to new approaches in diagnosis, therapy, prognosis and prevention of thrombotic and hemorrhagic diseases. Selected state of the art articles pertaining to thrombosis and hemostasis or other rapidly expanding fields of research are also published. Topics covered include: Cell biology of the cellular components of vessel walls and blood; aggregation and disaggregation of blood cellular elements; molecular biology/genetics of hemostatic factors; structure and function of factors in coagulation and fibrinolysis; activation, polymerizations and gelation of fibrinogen; rheological and other physical properties of blood, thrombi fibrin gels, the different blood vessels and their walls; thrombogenesis; thromboembolization; thrombolysis; epidemiology of thrombosis; atherogenesis. Thrombosis Research now includes Vessels.

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