The Journal of Fixed Income

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  • The Journal of Fixed Income

The Journal of Fixed Income

Editeur:: Institutional Investor
ISSN: 1059-8596 / 2168-8648


The Journal of Fixed Income brings you powerful analyses of innovative theories and market-tested strategies by the best minds in the fixed-income field. It features contributions by leading practitioners and academics on such timely topics as mortgage-backed securities, corporate bonds, asset-backed securities, high-yield bonds, international bond markets, futures, swaps, options, caps and floors. With this valuable guide you can: Evaluate relative risk and return features between different securities and different markets; Learn how to predict security performance in different environments and under various economic outlooks; Enhance valuation techniques for complex securities and various derivative products; Determine when distressed securities are undervalued. Articles are well-grounded in financial theory, and contain direct applications for fixed-income portfolio managers, investors, research analysts, and other fixed-income professionals. Youll find proven ideas and techniques you can use in your day-to-day business and investment decision-making.

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