The Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research

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The Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research

Editeur:: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
ISSN: 1094-3412 / 1556-3308


The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research (JBHS&R) is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles on the organization, financing, delivery, and outcomes of behavioral health services, including mental health, alcohol, and substance abuse. This quarterly journal is the official publication of the Association of Behavioral Healthcare Management (ABHM), and individual membership section of the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare (NCCBH). JBHS&R provides practical and empirical contributions and explains the implications of each research article. Each issue includes an overview of contemporary concerns and recent developments in behavioral health policy and management through research articles, policy perspectives, commentaries, brief reports, and book reviews.

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