The EPMA Journal
Editeur:: | BioMed Central |
ISSN: | 1878-5077 / 1878-5085 |
What is the EPMA-Journal about? Predictive, preventive and personalised medicine (PPPM) offers great promise for the future practice of medicine. Essential components of this approach include well-organised population screening protocols utilising novel diagnostic biomarkers of disease states; targeted prevention of common human pathologies; optimal treatment planning and personalised medicine, resulting in substantial improvement of the quality of life. This approach also offers the advantage of delivering care at potentially reduced costs to the population at large, addressing social and ethical issues related to healthcare access and affordability. PPPM research in conventional medicine and new branches of biomedicine raises many issue-related questions: Should molecular diagnostic approaches be considered complementary or substitutive measures to conventional approaches? How reliable are biomarkers for any given pathology? How can medical professionals distinguish between the highly predictive power of innovation and quackery in diagnostics? What can be done to overcome current national and international barriers to knowledge transfer? How will we educate the next generation of experts in bio- and predictive medicine? The journal addresses these highly relevant issues in editorial overviews, review articles and annotated papers. People across all walks of life and socioeconomic status are increasingly demanding to be better informed of anticipated changes in their health status as they progress through life. Although not simple, it is now feasible to predict tissue/organ conditions associated with predisposition to such pathologies as premature aging, neurodegenerative processes, cardiovascular disorders and various cancers. A broad distribution and a routine clinical utilisation of these advanced technological approaches could enable a significant portion of the population to reach the 100-year age limit in excellent physical and mental health and as actively contributing members of society. A panel of leading world experts in Predictive, Preventive & Personalised Medicine contribute to the journal, addressing relevant issues and topics such as model-based patient-care and individualised therapy-planning, reproductive medicine and postnatal diagnostics, early/predictive diagnosis and optimised treatment of cardiovascular, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. One of the central issues discussed in the journal is the screening for predisposition of healthy individuals to potential pathologies later in life. The groups at risk identified within the general population can be given a fair chance of a focused diagnosis with multidisciplinary expertise and well-timed preventive measures. Principal audiences for the journal EPMA Journal explores a new philosophy in medicine, and tracks novel trends in healthcare and biomedical education. The journal provides important information for individuals of wide-ranging professional and scientific backgrounds. Readers can appreciate the general concept of multidisciplinary approaches and learn the mindset of border areas and other scientific branches. Among those who will especially benefit from the information provided in this journal are: ul liprofessionals in conventional and molecular diagnostics, biomedicine, biotechnologies, ethics, and economics/li liuniversities, research units, private and public hospitals/li lipatient groups & groups of risk/li liinternational associations with healthcare-oriented scientific, research and public health-related activities/responsibilities/li lipolitical organisations and authorities active in the healthcare sector/li lihealthcare industry/li ul /ul/ul We intend for the EPMA journal to stimulate further discussion addressing many issues related to the future practice of predictive and personalised medicine.
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