

Editeur:: Springer Netherlands
ISSN: 0039-7857 / 1573-0964


Synthese spans the topics of Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Coverage includes the theory of knowledge; general methodological problems of science, of induction and probability, of causation and the role of mathematics, statistics and logic in science; and the methodological and foundational problems of different sciences. The journal explores symbolic logic and foundations of mathematics relevant to the philosophy and methodology of science; and those facets of the ethics, history and sociology of science which are important for contemporary topical pursuits. The journal focuses on the role of mathematical, logical and linguistic methods in the general methodology of science and the foundations of different sciences. A section on Knowledge, Rationality and Action offers a platform for researchers interested in a formal approach to the process comprising rational behavior, from gathering and representing information, through reasoning and decision making to acting.

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