Studies in Philosophy and Education

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Studies in Philosophy and Education

Editeur:: Springer
ISSN: 0039-3746 / 1573-191X


Studies in Philosophy and Education is an international journal that focuses on the philosophical normative and conceptual problems and issues in educational research policy and practice. As such Studies in Philosophy and Education is not the expression of any one philosophical school or cultural tradition. Rather the journal promotes exchange and collaboration among philosophers philosophers of education educational and social science researchers and educational policy makers throughout the world. Contributions that address this wide audience while clearly reflecting standards of philosophical excellence are encouraged. In this regard the journal also welcomes contributions of philosophical interest from non-philosophers in the educational and social science community. Topics may range widely from important methodological issues in educational research as shaped by the philosophy of science to substantive educational policy problems as shaped by moral and social and political philosophy. In addition single issues of the journal are occasionally devoted to the critical discussion of a special topic of educational and philosophical importance. There is also a frequent Reviews and Rejoinders section featuring book review essays with replies from the authors.

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