SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Editeur:: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
ISSN: 0036-1399 / 1095-712X


The SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics publishes research articles on the mathematics applied to the physical, engineering, and life sciences. Submitted articles should contribute to the mathematical understanding of specific scientific problems or to solution techniques useful in applications. Manuscripts applying known methods to previously solved problems or providing mathematical analysis in the absence of significant scientific motivation or application will not be accepted. Appropriate subject areas include the physical, engineering, financial, and life sciences. Examples are problems in fluid mechanics, including reaction-diffusion problems, sedimentation, combustion, and transport theory; solid mechanics; elasticity; electromagnetic theory and optics; mathematical biology, including population dynamics, biomechanics, and physiology; linear and nonlinear wave propagation, including scattering theory and wave propagation in random media; inverse problems; nonlinear dynamics; stochastic processes, including queueing theory and finance; signal processing; and image processing. Mathematical techniques include asymptotic methods, bifurcation theory, dynamical systems theory, and probabilistic and statistical methods. The foregoing list is not exhaustive, however, and papers addressing the mathematics involved in new applications areas not listed here are also welcome.

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