Seminars in Vascular Medicine

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Seminars in Vascular Medicine

Editeur:: Thieme Medical Publishers
ISSN: 1528-9648 / 1529-3505


Thieme is proud to announce our newest publication, Seminars in Vascular Medicine, the only review journal specifically devoted to providing clinicians with up-to-date information on the diagnosis, current concepts, pathophysiology and management of arterial or venous vascular complications, disorders, and diseases. Its unique format gives you all the advantages of a seminar in the convenience of your home or office. Four times a year, youll receive focused, full-length issues that will keep you current on the latest trends in the field. Under the editorship of Dr. Jan Jacques Michiels of the University of Antwerp, each issue features world-renowned specialists sharing their insights on groundbreaking techniques in various disciplines of vascular medicine. Seminars offers subscribers a comprehensive and updated review on hot topics in the broad field of vascular medicine, as well as information of immediate clinical relevance. Whether you are a vascular internist, neurologist, cardiologist, radiologist, or hemostasiologist, you will benefit from this detailed coverage.

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