Russian Social Science Review

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Russian Social Science Review

Editeur:: M. E. Sharpe Inc.
ISSN: 1061-1428 / 1557-7848


Russian Social Science Review contains unabridged translations from a wide range of Russian-language publications including Voprosy ekonomiki (Problems of Economics); Voprosy istorii (Problems of History); Voprosy filosofii (Problems of Philosophy); Voprosy psikhologii (Problems of Psychology); Voprosy literatury (Problems of Literature); Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia (Sociological Research); Svobodnaia mysl (Free Thought); Novyi mir (New World); and others. The articles that appear in Russian Social Science Review have been selected by Western experts for their quality and intrinsic interest. The purpose of the journal is to provide readers with a cross-section of significant articles published in Russian-language periodicals in the social sciences and related fields.

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