Resources Policy

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Resources Policy

Editeur:: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0301-4207


Resources Policy is an international journal devoted to minerals policy and economics, aimed at economists and decision makers in academia, government, and industry. Submissions are invited that analyze issues of public policy, economics, and business in the areas of mining, minerals, metals, and materials. Topics include, among others, resource availability, exploration and development, production, consumption, markets and price formation, international trade, environmental policy and management, taxation, investment, and finance. Submissions also are invited on related natural-resource topics of interest and importance to the minerals community, such as sustainability, natural resources in national-income accounting, and other topics from environmental and energy economics. Regular features include: communications; book reviews; comprehensive listings of recent articles and publications; conference reports; conference calendar. Recent Special Issues Competitive strength in mineral production. Sustainable development.

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