Psychology Crime & Law

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  • Psychology Crime & Law

Psychology Crime & Law

Editeur:: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 1068-316X / 1477-2744


This journal promotes the study and application of psychological approaches to crime, criminal and civil law, and the influence of law on behavior. The content will include the aetiology of criminal behavior and studies of different offender groups; crime detection, for example, interrogation and witness testimony; courtroom studies in areas such as jury behavior, decision making, divorce and custody, and expert testimony; behavior of litigants, lawyers, judges, and court officers, both in and outside the courtroom; issues of offender management including prisons, probation, and rehabilitation initiatives; and studies of public, including victim, reactions to crime and the legal process. It will publish reviews and brief reports which make a significant contribution to the psychology of law, crime and legal behavior.

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