Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics

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Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics

Editeur:: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 0721-3115 / 1521-4087


Description This international journal provides a vital forum for the exchange of ideas in the areas of propellants explosives primers and pyrotechnics and combustion and detonation processes. Its coverage of propellants and explosives includes their preparation investigation analysis testing and evaluation. Results of theoretical or practical investigations into combustion and detonation processes such as internal ballistics of guns and rockets or high-explosive ballistics are also included. Contributions come from specialists in chemistry physics and technology. Details on forthcoming meetings worldwide and book reviews are also included. Kurztext Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics ist eine der international fhrenden Zeitschriften die interdisziplinr die Forschung und Anwendung von Treib- und Sprengstoffen ebenso behandelt wie Pyrotechnik und dazugehrige Technologien. Internationale Spezialisten berichten in ihren Beitrgen ber Tests Analysen und Herstellung in diesen Bereichen. Bcherschau und Tagungskalender runden das Angebot der Zeitschrift an ihre Leser ab. Society Affiliation International Pyrotechnics Society Readers Scientists and technologists working on propellants explosives primers and pyrotechnics combustion and detonation processes as well as safety regulations

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