Progress in Neurobiology

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Progress in Neurobiology

Editeur:: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0301-0082


Progress in Neurobiology is designed to help individuals keep abreast of advances in knowledge in the broad field of neurosciences through the publication of comprehensive reviews by leading researchers. It will include the application of neurophysiological, biochemical, pharmacological, molecular biological, anatomical, and behavioral analyses to problems of molecular, cellular, developmental, and systems neuroscience. Special attention will be given to those areas where availability of new techniques has led to a multi-disciplinary approach to the problems of the nervous system. It is the intention of the Editor-in-Chief that the reviews should be of sufficient clarity to be suitable for assimilation by doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as by research scientists in neuroscience and allied fields. The authorship is international.

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