Population, Space and Place

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  • Population, Space and Place

Population, Space and Place

Editeur:: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 1544-8444 / 1544-8452


PSP aims to be the leading English-language research journal in the field of geographical population studies. It intends to: Inform population researchers of the best theoretical and empirical research on topics related to population, space and place; Promote and further enhance the international standing of population research through the exchange of views on what constitutes best research practice; Facilitate debate on issues of policy relevance and encourage the widest possible discussion and dissemination of the applications of research on populations; Review and evaluate the significance of recent research findings and provide an international platform where researchers can discuss the future course of population research; Provide a forum for population researchers to assess and apply philosophical and methodological developments in the social and behavioural sciences; Encourage quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches to population research. The scope of the journal is international, covering developed and less developed countries and embracing all the main fields of interest in population studies. The main content of each journal issue is research articles, but the journal also contains book reviews, and review articles commissioned by the editors which will report current debate or themes.

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