Applied Linguistics

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  • Applied Linguistics

Applied Linguistics

Editeur:: Oxford University Press
ISSN: 0142-6001 / 1477-450X


The aim of Applied Linguistics is to promote a principled approach to language education and other language-related concerns by encouraging enquiry into the relationship between theoretical and practical studies. The journal is less interested in the ad hoc solution of particular problems and more interested in the handling of problems in a principled way by reference to theoretical studies. Viewing applied linguistics as a relationship between theory and practice the editors give priority to papers which develop specific links between theoretical linguistics studies educational research and the planning and implementation of practical programmes. Within this framework the journal publishes work in such areas of current enquiry as first and second language learning and teaching bilingualism and bilingual education discourse analysis translation language testing language teaching methodology language planning the study of interlanguages stylistics and lexicography. The Journal also contains a Reviews section.

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