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  • médecine/sciences


Editeur:: EDK - ditions Mdicales et Scientifiques
ISSN: 0767-0974 / 1958-5381


Mdecine/Sciences is the product of a cooperative effort between the governments of France and Quebec following upon a recommendation by the Commission permanente de coopration franco-qubcoise. Mdecine/Sciences contains articles written by internationally renowned physicians and researchers who rigourously lay the foundation for scientific debates. The journal also contains syntheses, editorials, discussion of technical themes and analyses presented within the proper context so that the information provided is as accurate, understandable and objective as possible. The emphasis is on the human dimension, with analysis of the issues of diagnostic and therapeutic benefits, prevention and ethics as they involve recent advances. In short, Mdecine/Sciences presents a clear, concise panorama of the latest developments in the field of science news, summaries, data, reference points and perspectives so that you miss nothing of significance.

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