Applied Catalysis A: General

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  • Applied Catalysis A: General

Applied Catalysis A: General

Editeur:: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0926-860X


Scientific understanding of any catalytic phenomena. Phenomena of relevance to current industrial processes, processes under industrial development or of interest for future commercial applications are particularly welcome. Both heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis are included. Scientific aspects of preparation, activation, aging, deactivation, rejuvenation, regeneration and start-up transient effects of commercially interesting or representative model catalysts. Scientific methods of characterization of catalysts, especially if they are applicable to industrial catalysts. Chemical engineering aspects relevant to an improved understanding of catalytic phenomena or application to catalysis. Results involving a joint approach by chemical engineering and catalytic science are particularly welcome. New catalytic reactions, catalytic routes and processes of potential practical interest. The journal will accept original letters, research papers and reviews. A News Brief section contains information on new scientific facts related to the application of catalysis (new reactions, catalysts, processes, etc. ). It also contains reports on technical perspective of historic developments in catalysis, book reviews and calendar of forthcoming events Applied Catalysis B: Environmental will publish papers covering all aspects of environmental catalysis. Since the scope of Elsevier journals of Applied Catalysis A and B and Journal of Molecular Catalysis are complementary, an appropriate choice for submission to any journal could be borderline, in which case the advice of the editors should be sought.

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