Materials Science and Engineering: C

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  • Materials Science and Engineering: C

Materials Science and Engineering: C

Editeur:: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0928-4931


Materials Science and Engineering C: Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems is an international and interdisciplinary journal which reports on scientific and technical contributions dealing with all aspects of conceiving, designing, constructing and testing materials, structures, devices and systems which are based on supramolecular aggregates and on larger-scale assemblies which replicate biological structures and processes. These include, but are not limited to: Biological or biomimetic approaches to the design, assembly and functionalization of new intelligent materials, natural materials (i. e. cells, collagen, actin and myosin), devices and systems. Chemical aspects of molecularly designed, tailor-made novel functionalized materials. Physical principles underlying the various interaction schemes leading to self-assembled or artificially-engineered molecular aggregates, architectures and machines. Molecular engineering aspects including novel fabrication and processing routines. Sensors and Information Processes including artificial sensing and perception processes and biosensors. New characterization techniques for investigating the interrelation - at the molecular level - between the structure, the order and the dynamical features of these materials and systems with their physical properties and functions Actuators and Control Systems such as artificial muscles, organic micromechanical devices (MEMS) and support structures. Computer simulations for a better understanding and prediction of the physical and chemical properties of biomimetic and supramolecular systems.

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