Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society

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  • Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society

Editeur:: Cambridge University Press
ISSN: 1355-6177 / 1469-7661


Published for the International Neuropsychological Society JINS aims to further scientific and research activities in neuropsychology and enhance communication among its cognate member disciplines. The journal publishes scholarly peer-reviewed articles and includes original research timely review articles and transactions of the annual meetings of the International Neuropsychological Society. Contributions reflect the interest of all areas of neuropsychology including but not limited to: development of cognitive processes brain-behavior relationships adult neuropsychology child neuropsychology developmental neuropsychology disorders of speech and language and related topics such as behavioral neurology neuropsychiatry neuroimaging and electrophysiology. The journal also includes articles employing neuropsychological methods which use an experimental more applied or clinical approach.

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