Journal of Teaching in International Business

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Journal of Teaching in International Business

Editeur:: Haworth Press Inc
ISSN: 0897-5930 / 1528-6991


The Journal of Teaching in International Business instructs international business educators, curriculum developers, and institutions of higher education worldwide on methods and techniques for better teaching to ensure optimum, cost-effective learning on the part of students of international business. It is generally assumed that the teaching of international business is universal, but that the application of teaching methods, processes, and techniques in varying socioeconomic and cultural environments is unique. The journal offers insights and perspectives to international business educators and practitioners to share concerns, problems, opportunities, and solutions to the teaching and learning of international business subjects. The Journal of Teaching in International Business provides a strong forum for learning on this topic. The practical curriculum articles show teachers of international business how to teach effectively with given resources. As such, the journal enables the interested individuals to acquire the nuts and bolts of developing successful courses in international business for different cultural milieu, areas, or regions of the world. The journal caters to international business academicians and researchers, public policymakers in higher education, curriculum developers, educational consultants, and students of international business. In particular, persons working within the following fields will find the journal very useful: international business departments/programs of higher education; training and education departments/sections of international companies, banks, and other financial institutions; government departments, international organizations, and institutions concerned with international business education and teaching; professional and commercial organizations, firms, and publicly owned international corporations. This journal contains original, significant, and applied articles that: say something meaningful to international business curriculum developers; enrich the classroom presentations of teachers of international business; facilitate research endeavors of international business consultants, researchers, business education foundations, and institutions of higher learning.

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