Journal of Software Maintenance Research and Practice

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  • Journal of Software Maintenance Research and Practice

Journal of Software Maintenance Research and Practice

Editeur:: John Wiley and Sons
ISSN: 1040-550X / 1096-908X


The Journal of Software Maintenance publishes refereed papers in all aspects of software maintenance. We seek to include articles from practitioners working in the field (including the user community) as well as research papers. It is not the intention to publish papers on software development except where topics directly of relevance to maintenance are addressed. These could include (for example) the production of more maintainable software or metrics produced during development to predict the maintainability quality or reliability of software. Papers on the impact for maintenance of new software practices will be welcomed. Other journals do not cater well for post-delivery and operational support issues and the Journal of Software Maintenance fills this need. The editors aim is to convey the results of academic research and practical experience into the computing community. Topics on which papers will be published include: Software evolution lifecycles Software maintenance management Tools Environments Metrics and productivity methods Quality assurance Theory of software maintenance Maintainability of new software Methods for software maintenance Impact for maintenance of new software practices

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