Journal of Physical Chemistry A

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  • Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Editeur:: American Chemical Society
ISSN: 1089-5639 / 1520-5215


The Journal of Physical Chemistry is devoted to reporting new and original experimental and theoretical basic research of interest to physical chemists and chemical physicists. JPC:A publishes studies on molecules (dynamics, spectroscopy, gaseous clusters, molecular beams, kinetics, atmospheric and environmental physical chemistry, molecular structure, bonding, quantum chemistry, and general theory). JPC:B publishes studies on materials (e. g. , nanostructures, micelles, macromolecules, statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of condensed matter, biophysical chemistry, and general physical chemistry), as well as studies on the structure and properties of surfaces and interfaces. Published weekly as the Journal of Physical Chemistry A and the Journal of Physical Chemistry B, both volumes contain letters, articles, feature articles, and comments.

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