Journal of Natural Products

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  • Journal of Natural Products

Journal of Natural Products

Editeur:: American Chemical Society
ISSN: 0163-3864 / 1520-6025


Published jointly by the American Chemical Society and the American Society of Pharmacognosy, the Journal of Natural Products is edited specifically for natural product chemists, biochemists, pharmacologists, taxonomists, and ecologists. Journal of Natural Products comprises natural product research relating to the chemistry and/or biochemistry of naturally occurring compounds or the biology of living systems from which they are obtained. Articles appearing will describe secondary metabolites of microorganisms, including antibiotics and mycotoxins; physiologically active compounds from higher plants and animals; biochemical studies including biosynthesis and microbiological transformations; fermentation and plant tissue culture; the isolation, structure elucidation, and chemical synthesis of novel compounds from nature; and the pharmacology of compounds of natural origin.

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