Journal of Membrane Science

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  • Journal of Membrane Science

Journal of Membrane Science

Editeur:: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0376-7388


The journal provides a focal point for membranologists and a vehicle for the dissemination of information dealing with the science and technology of membrane processes and phenomena. The primary emphasis is on the structure and function of non-biological membranes, but papers bridging the gap between non-biological and biological membranes are sought. A broad spectrum of papers is encouraged:- theory of membrane transport- experimental data on membrane permeation- membrane structure- applications: separations, biomedical, packaging, membrane electrodes, membrane-bound enzymes, and biomembrane analogs. This is a practical journal. Economic studies of separation processes, for example, are encouraged. Regular papers and Rapid Communications are published. Rapid Communications should preferably not exceed 4-6 printed pages and should be a concise but complete description of an investigation. Rapid Communications will be handled with priority. An important feature of the journal is periodic reviews of important subject areas. Other features include announcements of forthcoming meetings of interest to membranologists, a meetings calendar, and book reviews.

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