Journal of Elections Public Opinion & Parties

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Journal of Elections Public Opinion & Parties

Editeur:: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 1368-9886


Discontinued in 2004. Continued by Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties (1745-7289). The British Elections and Parties series publishes cutting edge research on parties, elections and voting behaviour in Britain. Produced under the auspices of the Political Studies Association Elections, Public Opinion and Parties study Group, the series reflects the continuing vitality of research in this area. Contributions to the series provide theoretically informed and methodologically sophisticated analyses of both current and historical developments. They cover topics as diverse as electoral campaigning, party strategy, electoral change, regional patterns in party support, party leadership contests, the political influence on the media and party opinion polling. There are also regular contributions on research methodology and research strategy. In addition, the volumes contain reference material on parties, opinion polls and voting, making it an invaluable tool for researcher, student and practitioner.

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