Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry

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Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry

Editeur:: American Chemical Society
ISSN: 1520-4766 / 1520-4774


Discontinued in 2010. Continued by ACS Combinatorial Science (2156-8952). An interdisciplinary journal designed to serve the needs of an expanding field, the Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry publishes studies that facilitate the synthesis of chemical libraries, as well as their subsequent characterization and screening for properties of interest. This international peer-reviewed journal features easy-to-scan short reports, as well as full-length articles engaging in the rapid dissemination of new ideas, techniques, synthesis protocols, and applications. The Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry publishes studies that facilitate the synthesis of chemical libraries, as well as their subsequent characterization and screening for properties of interest. It is a must-read interdisciplinary journal that opens up channels of information for synthetic organic chemists, medicinal and analytical chemists, pharmaceutical scientists, biotechnologists, computational chemists, material scientists, and agrochemists.

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