Journal of Coastal Research

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Journal of Coastal Research

Editeur:: Bioone
ISSN: 0749-0208 / 1551-5036


The Journal of Coastal Research, An International Forum for the Littoral Sciences, is dedicated to all aspects of coastal research. These include geology, biology, geomorphology (physical geography), climate, littoral oceanography, hydrography, coastal hydraulics, environmental (resource) management, engineering, and remote sensing. Although each field functions effectively within its own purview, the cross-disciplinary nature of coastal studies requires familiarity with other fields as well. Hence, the scope of topics is necessarily broad in order to address the complexity of coastal biophysical and socioeconomic interactions. Because of the wide range of interrelated topics, the journal invites original contributions and manuscripts dealing with theory, methodology, techniques, and field or applied topic studies on interdisciplinary coastal issues. Journal of the Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc.

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