Journal of Biomechanics

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Journal of Biomechanics

Editeur:: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0021-9290


The Journal of Biomechanics publishes reports of original and substantial findings using the principles of mechanics to explore biological problems. Analytical, as well as experimental papers may be submitted. Substantially new techniques not testing some explicit hypothesis or reporting original observations may be considered for Technical Notes. The criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include excellence, novelty, significance, clarity, conciseness and interest to the readership. Papers published in the journal may cover a wide range of topics in biomechanics, including, but not limited to: Fundamental Topics - Dynamics of the musculoskeletal system, mechanics of hard and soft tissues, mechanics of muscles, mechanics of bone remodelling, mechanics of implant-tissue interfaces, mechanisms of cells. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Biomechanics - Mechanics of blood flow, air flow, mechanics of the soft tissues, flow-tissue or flow-prosthesis interactions. Dental Biomechanics - Design and analysis of dental prostheses, mechanics of chewing. Injury Biomechanics - Mechanics of impact, dynamics of man-machine interaction. Orthopedic Biomechanics - Mechanics of fracture and fracture fixation, mechanics of implants and implant fixation, mechanics of bones and joints. Rehabilitation Biomechanics - Analyses of gait, mechanics of prosthetics and orthotics. Sports Biomechanics - Mechanical analyses of sports performance. Cell Biomechanics - Relationship of mechanical environment to cells and tissue responses. The journal is affiliated to the American Society of Biomechanics, the International Society of Biomechanics. and the European Society of Biomechanics. The journal is featured in Biomechanics World Wide.

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